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Ative CDS - Clean Diverter Automated solution

Better Built > Atomation > Ative CDS - Clean Diverter Automated solution

Ative CDS - Clean Diverter Automated solution

  • 제품1
  • The BetterBuilt Clean Diverter Station (CDS) is part of the Activ™ automation suite of products. It’s fully integrated with the T200 Series Tunnel Washer and the D200 Series Bedding Dispenser. Operators on the soiled side of the tunnel washer load items for processing in batches. Non cage items exiting the clean side of the tunnel washer are diverted automatically by the CDS to an unload station. While rodent cage bottoms are allowed to proceed through to the bedding dispenser.
    Please contact BetterBuilt or your local representative for additional information.